Web Development | Web Design


Platform and browser compatibility variations combined with differing bandwidth capabilities of the browsing audience has made the use of technology on the web an ever-evolving art.


Consulting Services
Stun your visitors with technology, but make sure most of your target audience will have browsers capable of taking advantage of these features. Media Technique will provide the necessary consulting to gain insight into the strengths and limitations of the myriad technology options available to help you make intelligent choices for your web design and applications..

Relevant use of technology

When is it appropriate to use DHTML layer technology, and how does it affect download times? What kinds of Java applet applications encounter problems on the Mac Platform. Do mouse roll-overs and javascript pull downs work on all browser platforms and versions?

What are the benefits and limitations of using Flash animation on corporate websites? How do the use of static frames adversely affect the ability of search engines to find the content pages of your website? When should you use customized shopping carts and when is it appropriate to use off the shelf ecommerce products? We will consult with you on these and other issues to help you make the most of emerging web technologies to maximize the return on your web development investment.


Exciting new pan image technology
Shockwave Flash info
Download latest plugin from Real Networks



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